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Archive for August, 2007|Monthly archive page

Idiots 2 1/2 : $4.99

In Apple, iTunes/iPod on August 31, 2007 at 12:03 pm

Apple today announced that it will not be selling NBC television shows for the upcoming television season on its online iTunes Store. The move follows NBC’s decision to not renew its agreement with iTunes after Apple declined to pay more than double the wholesale price for each NBC TV episode, which would have resulted in the retail price to consumers increasing to $4.99 per episode from the current $1.99. ABC, CBS, FOX and The CW, along with more than 50 cable networks, are signed up to sell TV shows from their upcoming season on iTunes at $1.99 per episode.

MacDailyNews – Apple: iTunes Store to stop selling NBC TV shows after NBC demands more than double price increase

I’m sorry but $4.99? Let’s say there’s 24 episodes in a season : That’s the immoral price of $119.76 per season compared to $47.76 at $1.99 per episode (although, for example, the 23-episodes-long season 3 of LOST goes for 34,99$ and the 23 episodes of HEROES – an NBC show – go for 42,99$).

That’s it! Screw Law & Order. Screw Chuck (Well… we’ll see for that one). No more NBC shows. No more Universal music. None of that until they stop acting like a bunch of greedy idiots. The only exception will be NBC Universal-produced shows on other networks or reruns. I don’t care how pissed I might be, I’m never going to give up watching House on FOX or Global.

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Idiots 2 : The Revenge

In Apple, iTunes/iPod on August 31, 2007 at 8:57 am

First, they wanted a cut in iPod sales. Then, they were going to go for monthly music contract renewals. Then, they launched DRM-Free music on services other than iTunes. And now…

“NBC Universal, unable to come to an agreement with Apple on pricing, has decided not to renew its contract to sell digital downloads of television shows on iTunes,” Brooks Barnes reports for The New York Times. “The media conglomerate — which is the No. 1 supplier of digital video to Apple’s online store, accounting for about 40 percent of downloads — notified Apple of its decision late yesterday, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked for anonymity because negotiations between the companies are confidential,” Barnes reports.

MacDailyNews – NBC Universal decides not to renew TV show deal with Apple’s iTunes Store

It’s true, the Universal businesses seem to be going down with a viral case of stupidity. All of this seems to aim for the goal of making iTunes a small competitor in the field of content distribution. Apparently, this time it’s about more DRM and more money.

“NBC Universal is also seeking better piracy controls and wants Apple to allow it to bundle videos to increase revenue, the person familiar with the matter said,” Barnes reports.

MacDailyNews – NBC Universal decides not to renew TV show deal with Apple’s iTunes Store

I don’t understand “better piracy controls”. Apple’s Fairplay is the most used in the music business. How better can you get? And that bundling video thing sounds like a ploy to get more money. Granted, according to MacDailyNews, the shows are still available but that doesn’t mean they won’t go down soon. So yet again, I tell Universal to go F*** themselves and in the future, If I want to watch NBC shows, I’ll make sure to do so on the Canadian networks that show them. Then again, the only NBC shows I care to watch are Chuck and the Law & Order series.

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In Other News…

In Apple, DS, iTunes/iPod, Wii on August 28, 2007 at 8:21 pm

Well, now the September 5th event has been confirmed. Let the new iPods roll in!

In some less important news, I preordered Galaxy, THE Wii game this holiday, although some might debate that that title goes to Brawl. I also bought Godfather since I realy liked it when I rented it and EA lowered the price for the Summer. I also got Brain Age 2. Hey, It has some good Sudoku and it’s only $20. Hopefuly, I can get my Brain Age under 55. Uck..

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Hey, UK!

In iTunes/iPod on August 28, 2007 at 8:11 pm

Just wanted to tell Apple that it’s great they finally got TV content on international iTunes Stores. In this case, the UK Store.

Since it isn’t the Canadian Store, I’ll also like to say something to both the UK and Apple :

UK : I hate you. Apple : Get of your lazy rear and sell me some TV shows. And I hate you.

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Does Best Buy Know Something?

In Apple, iTunes/iPod on August 24, 2007 at 12:01 pm

“Apple’s new line of iPods will indeed be introduced in September, in line with recent speculation and rumors,” Jacqui Cheng reports for Ars Technica. “The company plans to drop the bomb on us with a major unveiling during the first week of September—specifically, September 5, according to our sources within the company,” Cheng reports.

MacDailyNews – Report: Major Apple event on September 5th

And so the fun begins yet again. It’s September and Apple is relaunching it’s iPod product line yet again for the Holidays. But I didn’t need Ars Technica or MacDailyNews to tell me that. I think today’s Canadian Best Buy flyer gave the most obvious hint :

Yes, the 80GB iPods, the ones that came just about a year ago, are labeled as “FINAL CLEARANCE”. Is it Best Buy anticipating the near obvious or do they know something ?

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Boogie Video Review

In Uncategorized on August 16, 2007 at 10:40 pm

Here it is! My Boogie Video Review! Enjoy.

It’s done… nearly…

In Wii on August 16, 2007 at 9:46 pm

I finished my Boogie Review! Unfortunately, the final product, 3 seconds shy of YouTube’s 10 min limit is, on the other hand, 17 megs over their 100 mb limit. Now, I need to find how to cut off thoes extra megs before I can make the movie available.

Boogie Time!

In Wii on August 13, 2007 at 3:16 pm

I’m having fun making my Boogie Review. I recorded all the gameplay yesterday and I started working in FCE, LiveType and Soundtrack today. It’s fun except for the fact that the person who made “Undo” Command + W in FCE and “Close Window” Command + Z should be shot. Figuratively.

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In iTunes/iPod on August 10, 2007 at 12:17 pm

I’m not a fan of Universal Music. I had a few words for them last time they deiced to be a bunch of money grubbers.

So it seems Universal wants, in some way or an other, cash from Apple for the iPod in the same way it got Microsoft to give some for each Zune sold. Well I think it’s time to tell them what I think and, unfortunately, I’ll have to use some foul language: F*** you!

Universal Pain in the… « iBlog


Universal has announced that it is abandoning the practice of embedding digital rights management (DRM) software in its music. In a limited trial Universal will strip out the DRM from music sold via some retailers, including Google, Wal-Mart, and Music sold on iTunes will still have DRM embedded however. – Universal goes DRM-free

Idiots. I have 18 U2 song, 9 The Who songs and who knows how many more Universal Music-distributed songs I’ve bought on iTunes. I’ll be damned if I pay for them again but I would have gladly upgraded them to iTunes Plus tracks like I did with my EMI tracks. That’s a bonus 40 cents. Free freaking money. I don’t deal with Google, Wal-mart or for my music. I only get it with iTunes cards. And guess what, not only are you not getting me to repay full price for my songs, you won’t even see that 40 cents. And once again:

F*** you.

Count yourself lucky you have good artists. But, from now on, I’ll think twice if I see UMG on a copyright for a song that I want.

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A Shame

In iTunes/iPod on August 9, 2007 at 10:24 pm

Apple has these nice new widgets out that can show information about your iTunes purchases. It’s a shame they don’t work on with my blog’s sidebar. Fortunately, they also have RSS feeds for these widgets and they work!